

Welcome to Star Foods™ International

  • A Great Moving Experience

    Star Foods Inc™ International is one of the leading international logistics and freight forwarding service providers, offering international freight forwarding services at very affordable rates. S.F is in the business of international freight forwarding and logistics since 2000.

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Export & Import

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Export & Import

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Export & Import

Our Services

On Time service means more profit. All safe….

Food And Non-food Exporter

S.F dealing as FMCG Items and Food Exporter. We carry Over 10,000 Food & Non Food items with all leading worldwide brands. EVI is one of the leading companies in Manufacturing and Export. It’s following high international standards during all stages of the manufacturing process to ensure natural, safe , delicious product , capable to compete globally and locally to be able to comply with all requirements of our clients and to get maximum consumers’ satisfaction. It stand on head of the producers and exporters of our products for many Arab countries, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas. EVI is following group of modern scientific techniques in management and production through the application of quality system by obtaining global and local quality certificates.

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